
Record-breaking show VicenzaOro surprises and inspires the industry.

Jam-packed VicenzaOro

On January 20, 2023, the jewelry trade fair season kicked off with the opening of VicenzaOro in Italy. From the first minute, it was jam-packed on the exhibition floor. This a hopeful signal for the entire industry!
Vicenzaoro 2023 earrings

The first day of VicenzaOro usually starts quietly. But Friday, January 20, was different. Despite all the concerns of the world and the consumer, many jewelers have had good sales in recent months. That could explain why buyers bought enthusiastically during the Italian jewelry tradeshow from day one.

Numbers at VicenzaOro 2023

Compared to the fair held in March 2022 due to Covid measures, VicenzaOro scored almost double the number of foreign visitors, a growth of 105%. In January 2020, just before the pandemic outbreak, the fair already had highly positive figures, but in this VOSJ23 edition, the number of visitors was 11.5% higher.

Most visitors came from Europe 54.5%, followed by the Middle East at 9.5%. The return from China and other Asian countries was striking (9%), but Latin America and Africa are also increasingly finding their way to Vicenza (4.7% and 5.4%)

On the 70th anniversary of the show, there were never before so many exhibitors (+1300)

What makes VicenzaOro’s successful?

Representatives of all international fairs visit and praise the Italian jewelry fair. What makes a trade show successful can seem complex, but according to Marco Carniello, Global director, it’s first and foremost a matter of listening. ”Listening is in the DNA of the entire team,” says Carniello. A tradeshow like VicenzaOro used to be run from a monopoly position. Under Carniello’s leadership, VicenzaOro is now run as a company. The market determines and is constantly changing.

Carniello affectionately calls his team the ”golden team”

VicenzaOro hosts not only 400 top buyers but also a large media group. Carniello is continuously present during the event, and it stands out how many people he knows by name. When we ask whether there is a magic ingredient for the success of an event like this, he laughs heartily and says: ”human resources”.

His #goldenteam, most of whom had no experience in exhibition events until 4-5 years ago, makes the difference. Carniello affectionately calls his team the ”golden team” and visibly encourages them to keep scouting and listening to keep a finger on the pulse of the market and the media.



The fact that all records are being broken in VicenzaOro’s 70th anniversary has to do with a counterintuitive trend. We live in a time when uncertainty reigns supreme. The high inflation, the effects of the war in Ukraine (and other parts of the world), energy prices, and falling GDP don’t stop. But the luxury segment, which includes our industry, is experiencing a growth of 15-20%!

Carniello believes it is due to the YOLO (You Only Live Once) effect in a post-covid world. ”Some expenses, including those for a watch or jewel, are not postponed. Purchasing watches and jewelry constitutes an asset (a private property with a value). Unlike a car, for example, the value of which you can already see decreasing at the garage”.

”Now that we know that the world can change quickly, we are a little less surprised, and we don’t immediately run to the bank to secure our money,” said Carniello.

Not only jewellery

In addition to jewelry, visitors at VicenzaOro will find a Vintage Watch & Jewelry Hall, a growing number of independent watch brands, packaging, semi-finished products, diamonds, precious stones, and of course T-Gold, with machines, innovations, and supplies for the manufacture of jewelry. In addition, there is a varied program of presentations and panel discussions about the watch and jewelry industry.

In summary, the successful kick-off of our industry offers hope for enthusiasm and good business in 2023.

Photos: VicenzaOro

Esther Ligthart
Om Esther Ligthart

Esther Ligthart har jobbat över 25 år inom smyckesindustrin. Idag skriver hon för flera internationella magasin och tidskrifter. Hon jobbar även som konsult för både smyckesmärken och guldsmeder. Hon är också skaparen och skribent för den populära smyckesbloggen bizzita.com.

Tips: Läs även hennes artikel ”The biggest jewelry trends in 2023”.


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